Connecting Vocation with Psyche

Posted by Krystyna Knight on Dec 8, 2016 1:18:42 PM

“The question of vocation is crucial, and choosing the right one requires listening to the voice within.  The root of the word “vocation” is Latin for voice.  Learning to trust that inner voice in the face of economic and social pressures that might urge otherwise is an act of courage.  Accessing that courage is key to finding the voice” ~ Dr. Joseph Cambray, Provost

Many of us actively seek to connect with our inner voice and calling, in guiding us on our life’s journey. Determining a graduate program that brings meaning and embraces our calling takes time, research, and a dedication to our self and making a difference. Whether seeking to enhance an existing career, beginning a new vocation, or striving for personal transformation and development, Pacifica’s graduate degree programs will further you on the path. By following the institute’s mottolens.jpg
 “animae mundi colendae gratia”, which in Latin means “for the sake of tending the soul in and of the world”, Pacifica’s students become pioneers in the field of depth psychology through the lens of the various specializations and interdisciplinary curriculum that each program provides. 

As an institute fostering education through a cohort and interactive learning model, our students are in touch with the natural rhythms of human experience and the imaginal process and gain a greater sense of awareness of the world around them. Pacifica has three vocational, therapeutic degrees: the M.A. in Counseling Psychology which leads to licensure for L.M.F.T. and L.P.C.C., and the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. and Psy.D. degrees that both lead to licensure as a clinical psychologist.

For students with a variety of backgrounds and interests,  Pacifica’s three Depth Psychology M.A./Ph.D. specializations provide unique lenses for study. The Somatics Studies specialization explores the intersection between the body and psyche, and connects image to sensation through active imagination. It also illuminates how the felt experience and understanding of the body can inform students’ work and research. The Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization explores the function of the archetypes in our personal complexes and vocations, through the study of myth, religion, dreams, film, and the soul, while focusing on the process of psychological development and transformation that Carl Jung referred to as individuation. iStock-509720222.jpgThe Community Psychology, Liberation Psychology, and Ecopsychology specialization forges interdisciplinary and transformative approaches to the personal, community, cultural, and ecological challenges of our time while helping rebuild approaches to restorative justice, ecological sustainability, forced migration, and peacebuilding.

The fourth Depth Psychology specialization, the Ph.D. in Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices, invites practitioners to deepen their therapeutic and client-based practices with the integrated study of healing that broadens perspectives and supports their client-centered work. Graduates of this program develop a greater capacity to work symbolically with images, dreams, symptoms, complexes and synchronicity. With an emphasis in depth psychology, the rituals and contemplative practices of religious traditions are investigated in the M.A./Ph.D. in Mythological Studies program, along with mythic and archetypal aspects of modern literature, contemporary events and popular culture.

For those wishing to tap further into their creativity, the M.A. in Engaged Humanities and the Creative Life program fuels inner creativity manifested by new sciences, technology, and the arts eyeworld.jpgand humanities. Combining creativity with intellectual exploration allows our graduates of this program to grow as individuals and expand their contributions to their respective fields and communities.

As a graduate school offering degree programs to further self-exploration and philosophical and psychological approaches to graduate studies, all of Pacifica’s programs foster an environment that not only fuels the soul of our students, but fuels the soul of the world. We invite you to an the upcoming Pacifica Experience to discover more about Pacifica's Graduate Degree Programs which begin in Fall and Spring for our two hybrid programs. To register and for further details, please visit

Topics: vocation, soul, psyche